Find here all the frequently asked questions. If you can’t find your question, feel free to contact us, we probably won’t bite.

Your order will be sent from Stationsweg 25, 2312 AS Leiden.

We try to make sure you’ll get your stuff on your doormat as fast as possible! Shipping usually takes 1-5 working days.

It is possible to cancel your order in most cases, try to contact our customer service as fast as possible. If your order already is completed we might not be able to cancel your order anymore.

Yes, it is possible to return your items. Check the Returns page for more information.

We’ll take care of your shipping costs within the Netherlands if your orders value is €30,- or more. Orders below €30,– still require a shipping fee of €4,95.

Our available payment methods are Credit Card and iDeal.

Oh, no! Sometimes an item goes out of stock due its popularity, but we try to restock items as fast as possible, so keep an eye on the website to see when it’s available again!

Using your giftcard is really easy! Simply go check-out and fill in your giftcard, after this press the “Apply Giftcard” button, after this your discount will be applied, yay. Please note that some giftcards are case-sensitive.

That’s a hard question.. Hehe, kidding, just by rockin’ our items you are staying weird.